Constraining Logarithmic f(R, T) Model Using Dark Energy Density Parameter Ω_Λ and Hubble parameter H_0

Keywords: f(R,T) gravity, Dark Energy


Of many extended theories of gravity, f(R, T) gravity has gained reasonable interest in recent times as it provides interesting results in cosmology. Logarithmic corrections in modified theories of gravity have been studied extensively. In this work, we considered logarithmic correction to the trace term T and took the functional form as f(R, T) = R+16πGαlnT where α is a free parameter. The free parameter is constrained using dark energy density parameter ΩΛ and Hubble parameter H0. The lower bound is found to be α ≥ −9.85×10−29. The cosmological implications are also studied.


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How to Cite
Deb, B., & Deshamukhya, A. (2024). Constraining Logarithmic f(R, T) Model Using Dark Energy Density Parameter Ω_Λ and Hubble parameter H_0. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 21-26.