Five-Dimensional Strange Quark Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model in The Framework of Saez Ballester Theory of Gravity

  • Mahesh Netnaskar Bapumiya Sirajoddin Patel Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpalgaon Kale, Dist. Buldhana M. S. (India); Shri R. R. Lahoti Science College, Morshi, Dist. Amravati (M.S.), India
  • Kalpana Pawar Shri R. R. Lahoti Science College, Morshi-444905, Dist. Amravati, M. S. (India)
  • Abhishek Dabre Shri R. R. Lahoti Science College, Morshi-444905, Dist. Amravati, M. S. (India)
Keywords: Bianchi Type-I, Strange Quark Matter, Saez and Ballester Theory


In this paper, we have constructed a five-dimensional Bianchi type I cosmological model with strange quark matter in the context of Saez-Ballester theory of gravity. We have discussed a five-dimensional cosmological model by using the special rule of variation for the Hubble parameter in the shape of H = Da-1 and the equation of state for strange quark matter. Two different models for n ≠ 0 and n = 0  have been discussed. Also, the accelerated expansion of the Universe has been discussed by using various physical parameters and its graphical representation. 


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How to Cite
Netnaskar, M., Pawar, K., & Dabre, A. (2024). Five-Dimensional Strange Quark Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model in The Framework of Saez Ballester Theory of Gravity. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 27-35.