Polyadic Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups

Keywords: polyadic field, polyadic algebra, bialgebra, Hopf algebra, antipode, braid equation, braiding, R-matrix, Yang-Baxter equation, mediality, co-medaility, M-matrix, quasitriangularity


This article continues the study of concrete algebra-like structures in our polyadic approach, where the arities of all operations are initially taken as arbitrary, but the relations between them, the arity shapes, are to be found from some natural conditions (“arity freedom principle”). In this way, generalized associative algebras, coassociative coalgebras, bialgebras and Hopf algebras are defined and investigated. They have many unusual features in comparison with the binary case. For instance, both the algebra and its underlying field can be zeroless and nonunital, the existence of the unit and counit is not obligatory, and the dimension of the algebra is not arbitrary, but “quantized”. The polyadic convolution product and bialgebra can be defined, and when the algebra and coalgebra have unequal arities, the polyadic version of the antipode, the querantipode, has different properties. As a possible application to quantum group theory, we introduce the polyadic version of braidings, almost co-commutativity,  quasitriangularity and the equations for the R-matrix (which can be treated as a polyadic analog of the Yang-Baxter equation). We propose another concept of deformation which is governed not by the twist map, but by the medial map, where only the latter is unique in the polyadic case. We present the corresponding braidings, almost co-mediality and M-matrix, for which the compatibility equations are found.



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How to Cite
Duplij, S. (2021). Polyadic Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups. East European Journal of Physics, (2), 5-50. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2021-2-01