Раскопки XIV продольной улицы в портовом районе Херсонеса Таврического

  • С. В. Дьячков



Dyachkov S. V. Excavations in the 14-th Longitudinal Street in the Port-Side Section of Chersonessus of Tauride

Archaeological researches XIV of longitudinal street in port area of Chersoncsus of Tauride revealed six systems of street gutter (IV B. C. – XI A. D.),the remains of street block and ceramic roads and walls of large public building. The analysis of archeological materials showed, that in IV - I B. C. one of the centers of town public life was situated in this area. In I A. D. the functional purpose of area is being changed and the large trade and residential complexes appear here. In IV–V A. D. the decisive rebuilding and re-planning of the whole area in general occur, the economic orientation of new complexes being preserved.


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How to Cite
Дьячков, С. В. (2016). Раскопки XIV продольной улицы в портовом районе Херсонеса Таврического. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 1. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5307

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