О населении Херсонесской хоры в Северо-Западном Крыму (по материалам поселения Маслины)

  • В. А. Латышева



Latysheva V. A. About Population of Chersonesus Chora at North-West Crimea

The main population of Maslini consisted of the migrants from Chersonesus, theirs descendants, i. e. the greeks (70% of ceramic material - the production of Chersonesus workshops, big serieses of the black-glaze pottery, the coins of Chersonesus chasing, terracota of Tanagra type etc.).

A high specific gravity of the Maslini model pottery (to 30%), similar to the skiff forms, is not the indicator of other ethnic. Simple and traditional forms of the model pot* and bowls could be made by the greek settlers. On the territory of the small settlement distant from Chersonesus they had to satisfy their household needs not only at the expense of the trade exchange but of their own making the remains of that were found on Maslini a well.

Exit ence of the kizil-koba ceramic with the specific methods of ornamentation in the Maslini ceramic complex we consider as the presence of taurus (even small quantity) in the structure of the Maslini population. They appeared here together with the stream of the Chersonesus settlers. They were dependent serving the domestic life of the rich greek colonists.


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How to Cite
Латышева, В. А. (2016). О населении Херсонесской хоры в Северо-Западном Крыму (по материалам поселения Маслины). Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 3. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5246