К вопросу о культурно-хронологической интерпретации железопроизводящего комплекса «Лиманское озеро»

  • В. В. Колода



Koloda V.Y. To the Problem of Cultural and Chronological Interpretation of an Iron-Produced Complex «Limankiy Lake»

The article is about the analysis of the found of the memorial of the iron metallurge «Liman Lake» in Donetsk region. Basing on the facts of stratigraphy and technological fact, there is proposing of new date of this memorial — VIII - X cent. It is proposed the reconstructions of the memorial by analogy with furnaces of Tashtyk culture (Eastern Siberia).


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How to Cite
Колода, В. В. (2016). К вопросу о культурно-хронологической интерпретации железопроизводящего комплекса «Лиманское озеро». Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 4. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5221

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