О проявлении этнического синкретизма в среде лесостепного салтовского населения (на примере материалов раскопа–4 селища Коробовы Хутора)

  • В. В. Колода



V. Koloda. About evincing ethnic syncretism among forest-steppe Saltov population (by the example of excavation-4 materials at Korobovy Khutora settlement)

The work is devoted to analysis of the Early Middle Ages materials (Saltov ar-chaeological culture of the middle of VIII—the middle of X centuries) from Korobovy Khutora settlement in Kharkiv region. The materials that have been found in the excavation № 4 tell us about polyethnic population of this settlement. Different ethnic groups lived there (such as Turkic-Bulgarian, ancient Hungarian and Slavonic ones) while the Alans — native of Northern Caucasia — were dominating. It is proved by ceramic material, traditions of house building, elements of interior and the heating device found there.


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How to Cite
Колода, В. В. (2016). О проявлении этнического синкретизма в среде лесостепного салтовского населения (на примере материалов раскопа–4 селища Коробовы Хутора). Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 7. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5082

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