Faunistic Location Near Andreyevka Village in the Kharkiv Region

  • І. А. Сніжко
Keywords: the Kharkiv region, pleistocene, Faunistic locations


Pleistocene fauna location near Andreyevka village in the Bohodyhov district of the Kharkiv region was excavated by I. F. Levitsky in the year 1948. Like the faunistic location near Bohodyhov town, it was associated by him with the traces of the Upper paleolithic people activity. The materials of the site research are published in full for the first time, this includes field-type drawing. Its typological belonging to Pleistocene faunistic objects origin of which isn’t related to human activity is substantiated.


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Левицький І. Ф. Сліди палеоліту коло Богодухова // Палеоліт і неоліт України – К., 1949. — Т. I. — Вип. V.

Левицкий И. Ф. Археологические исследования в Харьковской области в 1948 г. – НА ІА НАНУ. — № 1948/17.
How to Cite
Сніжко, І. А. (2016). Faunistic Location Near Andreyevka Village in the Kharkiv Region. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 13, 338-343. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/4871