The sights of Kiev Russ Times of the Kursk Region (Based on Archaeological exploration of I. I. Lyapushkin in 1947)
In the article the findings of Kiev Russ time, surveyed by I. I. Lyapushkin in 1947, were analyzed. As research has shown, the majority of settlements were located on high headlands, formed by turning of the river (Avdeevo, Gorodishe, Kapustnichy, Lipino, Rilsk) or confluence with another river or her surety (Osmolovo) and natural increase in the floodplain or marsh (Banysche). The main category of finds — pottery fragments (crown, walls, bottoms) X—XIII. The other findings are: fragments of ceramic spindles, sharpening stones, bone products (awls, knife handles), clay daubing etc. Chronologically settlements are divided into three groups: the first one includes settlements arising on hill forts and settlements of Iron Age; the second one includes monuments with layers of Romenska culture and X—XIII century; the third group includes settlements with materials of X—XIII centuries. We also mention that, on the hilforts, located in Rilsk and nearest county, the materials of the XII—XIII centuries and the XIV—XIV centuries were founded.
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