Romuliana — the Palace of the Emperor Galerius near Gamzigrad (serbia). A serbian-German Archaeological cooperation
The Roman fortified complex near Gamzigrad, Zaječar District (North-East Serbia) can be identified as the palace Romuliana, built by the Emperor Galerius (293–311 AD). Since 2004, as a part of the German-Serbian cooperative project, geomagnetic surveys, archae- ological and architectural investigations have been conducted in the surroundings of the palace. More than 30 objects were discovered and 15 of them could be partly exca- vated. There are the grave of a Roman officer and an extensive basilica with remains of multi-coloured mosaics among them. preliminary results show that the settlement history of Romuliana is more complex than was previously thought.
Romuliana — der Palast
des Kaisers Galerius bei Gamzigrad (Serbia).
Ein serbisch-deutsches Forschungsprojekt