Religion as a Policy Instrument of Pompey the Great

  • Олег Михайлович Петречко Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Professor, Head of Department of World History
Keywords: Rome, pompey the Great, religion, policy instrument, cult, Venus, Hercules, Minerva.


Pompey manifested special respect to the divinities of victory. His religious policy was under the influence of the religious policy led by  Alexander  the  Great,  Mithridates  the Great and Sulla. pompey did not formulate his own clear, completely thought-out and acceptable to the majority of Romans religious concept. His religiousness was connected with superstitiousness. He showed no particular adherence to principles in matters of re- ligion and preferred to honor this or that deity depending on the political situation. pom- pey showed special attachment to Venus in Rome, and in the Greek East to Athena. He did not feel any discomfort over the fact that Athena supported Achaean against  the Trojans, from whom the Romans were descended. pompey used religion for political pur- poses, not shunned honors, which were close to divine.


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How to Cite
Петречко, О. М. (2018). Religion as a Policy Instrument of Pompey the Great. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 15(15), 26-33. Retrieved from