New Data on Planning structure of the chervonosovsky Ancient settlement

  • Геннадий Евгеньевич Свистун Kharkiv Scientific and Methodological Center for Protection of Cultural Heritage under Administration of Culture and Tourism of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Leading Researcher of Department of Archeology Monuments
  • Галина Михайловна Кулик Kharkov Scientific and Methodological Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage under the Administration of Culture and Tourism of the Kharkiv Regional State our authors, Administration, Head of Department of Archeology Monuments
Keywords: Chervonosovsky fort, fortification, fortifications, shaft, escarpment, moat's Court, the early Iron Age.


As a result of survey of the Chervonosovky ancient settlement of the early Iron Age and the territory adjoining to it important elements of planning structure of a monument are revealed badly remained, but important elements of planning structure of a monument. This circumstance led to revision of a place of the ancient settlement in typological system of A. A. Moruzhenko, and also allows on new to look at its role in view of an arrangement on the important road highway at border with Steppe.


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How to Cite
Свистун, Г. Е., & Кулик, Г. М. (2018). New Data on Planning structure of the chervonosovsky Ancient settlement. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 14(14), 208-212. Retrieved from