The unknown source on the history of crimean studies of 20-ies of XX century

  • Андрей Анатольевич Непомнящий V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol), Professor, Head of Department of Historical Regional Studies and Local History
Keywords: N. J. Marr, K. E. Grinevich, A. I. Markevich, studying of the Crimea, the Conference of archeologists of the USSR in Kerch and Chersonese, epistolary heritage.


On the basis of the epistolary sources of the St. petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, being introduced to the scientific circulation at first, the academic and personal communication with Chairman of the State Academy of history of material culture Nikolai Marr leading concerned Crimea era — Konstantin Grinevich and Arseniy Markevich was restored. The influence of the leading figures of science to conduct large events on studying of the Crimea taking place at that time in Crimea, including two Con- ferences archaeologists USSR in Kerch and Chersonese, was restored on materials of new documents. Unknown pages of the history of studying of the Crimea was restored.


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Голубева О. Д. Н. Я. Марр. — СПб., 2001.

Платонова Н. И. Николай Яковлевич Марр — археолог и организатор археологической науки // Археологические вести. — 1998. — № 5.

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Гриневич К. Э. Новый взгляд на реформу Клисфена // Гермес. — 1915. — № 13/14 (159/160);

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Гриневич К. Э. Четвертая книга Геродота и следы личного знакомства историка с Ольвией // Записки Харьковского университета. — 1915. — Кн. 4.

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How to Cite
Непомнящий, А. А. (2018). The unknown source on the history of crimean studies of 20-ies of XX century. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 14(14), 199-206. Retrieved from