Traveling to the East in the cultural Discourse of the English chiv- alry of the 14th century

  • Вадим Чепіженко Odessa I. I. Mechnokov National University, Lecturer of Department of Ancient and Medieval History of Faculty of History
Keywords: England, Near East, Tunisia, the Middle Ages, the 14th century, a pil- grimage, the crusades, knights, the cultural discourse


The article deals with traveling to the East in medieval Europe, particularly in their most characteristic manifestations, such as a pilgrimages to the Holy Land and individual crusading movement. The author focuses on representation of piligrimage and cruasades ideas in the cultural discourse of English knights and court circles in the 14th century. Knight’s political and cultural ideals, some problems of medieval mentality and interna- tional relations are observed on basis of studying a complex of chronicles and literary works. Testimonies of Jean Froissart, John Mandeville, philippe de Mezieres, Geoffrey Chaucer and other medieval authors are used to analyze geographic and political ideas of English knights late 14th century. Resorting methods of prosopography, microhistory and historical reconstruction are employed. The article presents the crusade to Tunis in 1390 and demonstrated a role the English troops played in the crusade.


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How to Cite
Чепіженко, В. (2018). Traveling to the East in the cultural Discourse of the English chiv- alry of the 14th century. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 14(14), 64-73. Retrieved from