Byzantine Architectural Heritage of Pamphiylian side: the History of studies in Fild of Archaeology of Architecture

  • Володимир Соболєв Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law, Associate Professor of Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
Keywords: Asia Minor, Pamphylia, Side, Byzantine architecture, historiography


In this article the author studies the research history related to christian and byzantine sacred monuments in pamphylian city Side. Numerous of travellers visited the city during the XIX century. And further published their short descriptions of the city ruins. Among all Christian monuments of the city only the basilica “A” was described.

In 1947 archaeological team from Istanbul University conducted by Arif Mansel started excavations in Side. This expedition had been working in Side till the mid of 1960th and explored the large amount of byzantine monuments. Excavations were incomplete and didn’t cover the whole territory of ancient city.

Researchers focused on the problems of typology of the monuments and their dating. The questions related to facade and interior decoration, proportional analysis of the monuments, building materials and techniques were not addressed at all or studied insufficiently.

Taking under consideration above mentioned, further archaeological and research works of the early christian and byzantine monuments of Side seems as a perspective direction of studies which can provide significant further results.


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How to Cite
Соболєв, В. (2018). Byzantine Architectural Heritage of Pamphiylian side: the History of studies in Fild of Archaeology of Architecture. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 14(14), 44-54. Retrieved from