Technical Aspects of the Eastern campaign of Mark Antony

  • Сергей Дмитриевич Литовченко V. N. Karazin National University, Associate Professor of Department of the Ancient and Medieval History
Keywords: Mark Anthony, Rome, Artavazdes II, parthian campaign, siege engines


The article discusses the features of the technical equipment of the Roman troops during Antony’s parthian campaign. plutarch mentions a large army train, which includes a giant battering ram. Greek author reported that the ram had to be driven for a long distance, because in the area where the Romans were going to fight, it was not a suitable tree. However, the Roman legions lead their way through Armenia, which can not be called treeless. The Romans didn’t use a battering ram during the siege of phraaspa as well. Giant slow train thus became one of the reasons for the defeat of the Romans. The author suggested that Antony had objec- tive reasons to carry a train with a battering ram. Probably, Antony assumed trekking route through Northern Mesopotamia to the parthian capitals. In this way it was really difficult to find wood for siege engines. But the encounter with the parthian forces near the Euphrates crossings has forced Antony to turn to the north of Armenia. Under these conditions, the huge train has appeared unnecessary and only broken movement of troops.


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How to Cite
Литовченко, С. Д. (2018). Technical Aspects of the Eastern campaign of Mark Antony. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 14(14), 36-43. Retrieved from