Селище позднеримского времени Родной Край-3 в бассейне Северского Донца

  • Ю. Ю. Башкатов
  • А. К. Дегтярь
  • М. В. Любичев



Bashkatov Y. Y., Degtyar A. K., Lyubichev M. V. Late-Roman Time Settlement Rodnoy Kray-3 at Seversky Donets Watershed

It was learned two dwellings and a pit of the Kiev culture in the settlement of Rodnoy Kray 3. It was reserwed a big quantity of the pottery and a plastic ceramic, an iron Key, a fibule, and bone object. This settlement date back to the middle — 2 half of the III c. A. D. It was a time of the beginning of penetrate chernachov tribes to the river-bassen of the Dniper — Seversky Donets.


Як цитувати
Башкатов, Ю. Ю., Дегтярь, А. К., & Любичев, М. В. (2016). Селище позднеримского времени Родной Край-3 в бассейне Северского Донца. Давнина. Харківський історико-археологічний щорічник, 3. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5252