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Grabina, V. A., Kharkiv National University, Institute of Laser Biology and Medicine
Grek, A. M., National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnical Institute"
Grinevich, Yu.P., Institute of nuclear investigation NAS of Ukraine
Grytsaj, I. R., Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 4 Hrushevskoho st., Lviv, Ukraine, 79005
Grytsay, V. I., N.N. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
Grytsay, V. I., Academy of Sciences of Ukraine N.N.Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
Grytsay, V. J, N.N. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of NASU
Gubskaya, A. V., I.Mechnikov Institute Microbiology and Immunology, AMS of Ukraine
Gudimenko, V. A., National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 21 Kyrpychov Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine
Gulevsky, A. K., Институт проблем криобиологии и криомедицины НАН Украины, ул. Переяславская, 23, Харьков, 61016, Украина
Guralchuk, G. Ya., Institute for Scintillation Materials, STC "Institute for Single Crystals" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Gurina, T. M., Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Hackl, E. V., University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester M60 1QD
Hackl, E. V., Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
Hackl, E. V., V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine)
Hackl, Е. V., Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Hackl, Е. V., Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Hankun, J., Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, 14 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine
Hanulia, T., Institute of Physics of NASU, 46 Nauky Ave., Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine
Heneha, A. B., Lviv National University of Ivan Franko
Hernandez , Santiago A., Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Puebla
Hernandez Santiago, A., Department of Physics and Mathematics, Autonomous Universitv of Puebla
Holovchak, N. P., Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 4, Hrushevskyi St., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine
Holubiev, P. K., National University of Food Technologies
Hovorun, D. M., Institute of High Technologies of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

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