The herbarium and botanical collections in the training of green building specialists

  • О. І. Горєлова
Keywords: botany, herbaria, botanical collections, educational process, green building


Summarizing the materials on the herbarium and botanical collections of housing and communal college has been made in the article. These materials are used in the education process of green building specialists. The data on the history of the herbarium and its main collectors are presented. Today, the herbarium has about 4000 plant specimens, 22 collections of fruits and cones. The collection containing about 3000 herbarium sheets and organized according to the systematic principle is used in the study of subject "Botany". The collection includes 30 bryophytes species, 18 species of ferns, 32 species of gymnosperms and 570 species of angiosperms.


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How to Cite
Горєлова, О. І. (1). The herbarium and botanical collections in the training of green building specialists. The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology», 25, 39-42. Retrieved from