Mining flies of the family Agromyzidae (Insecta: Diptera) of National Nature Park “Dvorichanskyi” (Kharkiv Region, Ukraine)

  • Ю. О. Гугля
Keywords: Agromyzidae; faunistics; the National Park “Dvorichanskyi”


In 2009–2013 we conducted faunistic research of mining flies (family Agromyzidae) of the National Nature Park “Dvorichanskyi”. Up to now 14 species are found: Melanagromyza astragali Spencer, 1976, Ophiomyia aeneonitens (Strobl, 1873), O. curvipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1848), O. disordens Pakalniskis, 1998, O. longilingua (Hendel, 1920), O. nasuta (Melander, 1913), O. orbiculata (Hendel, 1913), O. pinguis (Fallėn, 1820), O. submaura Hering, 1926, O. vimmeri Černý, 1994, O. vitiosa Spencer, 1964, Agromyza bicaudata (Hendel, 1920), A. bromi Spencer, 1966, A. frontella (Rondani, 1875), A. johannae de Meijere, 1924, A. rondensis Strobl, 1900, O. versera Guglya, 2013 and Chromatomyia horticola (Goureau, 1851).


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How to Cite
Гугля, Ю. О. (2014). Mining flies of the family Agromyzidae (Insecta: Diptera) of National Nature Park “Dvorichanskyi” (Kharkiv Region, Ukraine). The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology», 19(1097), 14-16. Retrieved from