The Problem of Alienatoin in the Context of Internet Technologies Development

  • D. Y. Barkov Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics
Keywords: Alienation, network technologies, Internet, electronic communication.


The article considers the role and degree of network technologies influence on the alienation
mechanism. Today network technology radically transforms the cultural space of society. At the same
time, in spite of the significant opportunities that are opening before the person in the field of
communication and obtaining information, staying on the Internet is increasingly accompanied by
alienation. Consideration of alienation theories of K. Jaspers and G. Marcuse, in which the influence
of technology and technological progress on the alienation phenomenon in society is analyzed, allow
not only to identify the main prerequisites for alienation in the process of using network
communication tools, but also to uncover the impact on the Network users of the unique technology of
nowadays - search engine.


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Author Biography

D. Y. Barkov, Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics

Graduate student of the philosophy department


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How to Cite
Barkov, D. Y. (2017). The Problem of Alienatoin in the Context of Internet Technologies Development. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (57), 44-48.