The history of science as a conceptual component provide scientific doctrine V.I. Vernadsky. In this article found that V.I. Vernadsky defined the history of science as a vital link between the natural sciences and philosophy. Expands the concept of "scientific outlook" and its relation to the various spheres of public life, philosophy, religion, art. Outlines the main ways of studying the history of scientific outlook and dynamics of the formation of his essence.

  • А. Г. Супрун Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)
  • Д. Войцехович Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)
Keywords: scientific worldview, scientific method, scientific progress, history of science, science.


It was determined that the concept of scientific method and scientific research Vernadsky believed the same attributes of such a complex dynamic system, which is the scientific worldview. Article analyzes V.I.Vernadsky "On the scientific outlook", where he reflected these ideas. Applied scientist factor determines the inclusion of scientific knowledge in culture through his philosophical studies, carried out by philosophical ideas and principles. It is noted that the most characteristic feature of scientific progress is expanding the boundaries of scientific outlook. Found that the scientific worldview as a belief system is the result of the interaction of various synthetic positions and areas of human activity. Each position, must be reviewed "to be scientific." V.I. Vernadsky distinguishes the scientific method as a tool to do it. Under the scientific method refers to "man's relationship to the phenomenon to be a scientific study."



Author Biographies

А. Г. Супрун, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)
канд. філос. наук, доцент
Д. Войцехович, Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України (Київ)


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How to Cite
Супрун, А. Г., & Войцехович, Д. (2017). The history of science as a conceptual component provide scientific doctrine V.I. Vernadsky. In this article found that V.I. Vernadsky defined the history of science as a vital link between the natural sciences and philosophy. Expands the concept of "scientific outlook" and its relation to the various spheres of public life, philosophy, religion, art. Outlines the main ways of studying the history of scientific outlook and dynamics of the formation of his essence. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (56), 63-37.