• Евгений Галена Университет Эмори
Keywords: compassion, politics of victimhood, the High Middle Ages, empathy, concern for victims, violence, affectivity, , Christus Victor, Christus Patiens


The article examines how the politicization of compassion in the 11th — 3th centuries led to an escalation of violence throughout Europe. The author demonstrates   that   the   changes   in   Christian   piety during   the   High   Middle Ages   reflected   in   both   theology   and   iconography   influenced   the   formation of a new understanding of compassion. At the same time, the Catholic Church has supported these changes, as it allowed the Church to strengthen its position in the struggle for political power against secular rulers. The article shows that compassion became a part of the politics of victimhood, which the Church used in the conflict with the State


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Author Biography

Евгений Галена, Университет Эмори
докторант Института свободных искусств (Университет     Эмори),   в  данный   момент    пишет   диссертацию     на  тему «Крест и престол: генезис идеи жертвенности в контексте политической теологии». В 2011 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию в Харьковском национальном университете им. В.Н. Каразина на тему «Агрессия и жестокость в контексте антропологии насилия».


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How to Cite
Галена, Е. (2017). PITY AND SWORD: POLITICIZATION OF COMPASSION IN THE ECCLESIASTICAL DISCOURSE OF THE HIGH MEDIEVAL PERIOD. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 327-338. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/thcphs/article/view/7864