Inferno: between the times

  • Ханс Урс фон Бальтазар швейцарский кардинал
Keywords: Christology, Trinitarian dogma, justice, Eros, aesthetics, heology, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Dante


This article studies the image of God in the first canticle of “The Divine Comedy”. The author proceeds from the assertion that the poem lacks the image   of   the   suffering   Christ   and   claims   that   this   absence   displaces   the Christological   and Trinitarian   ideas   from   the   theological   framework   of   the text. The analysis of the poetic image of Hell determines that in its description Dante was guided by the image of ancient Hades, rather than by the theological representations. The author demonstrates how the mixing of ancient and Christian worldview displaces the figure of Christ from the center of Universe and replaces it with an all-encompassing Eros.


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Author Biography

Ханс Урс фон Бальтазар, швейцарский кардинал

Ханс    Урс  фон    Бальтазар    (1905–1988)    —   швейцарский      кардинал, католический теолог и священник. Изучал германистику и философию в университетах Цюриха, Берлина и Вены. Защитил докторскую диссертацию «История эсхатологической проблемы в современной немецкой литературе" (1928).  В  1929  году  стал  послушником ордена иезуитов.


Бальтазар, Х. У. фон. Теологика. I. Истина мира. ― Москва: Издательство ББИ, 2013. ― xxiv+301 p.

Balthasar, H. U. von. The Glory of the Lord. A Theological Aestetics. Vol I. Seeng the form. ― San Francisco, USA: T & T Clark, Ignatius Press, 1982. ― 691 p.

Balthasar, H. U. von. The Glory of the Lord. A Theological Aestetics. Vol II. Studies in theological style: clerical styles. ― San Francisco, USA: T & T Clark, Ignatius Press, 1984. ―366 p.

Balthasar, H. U. von. The Glory of the Lord. A Theological Aestetics. Vol III. Studies in theological style: lay styles. ― San Francisco, USA:T & T Clark, Ignatius Press, 1986. ― 524 p.
How to Cite
фон Бальтазар, Х. У. (2017). Inferno: between the times. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 39-60. Retrieved from