Gestalt as a solution of the problem of perception

  • Т. Б. Колычева Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта
Keywords: Gestalt, perceptive Gestalt, conceptual Gestalt, clipevent of consciousness, integrity.


The urgency of the given theme is connected to growing interest of modernity(present) to questions of visualization. The interest results in this subjects to formation of a new type of processing of the information by the modern man. There is so-called " clipevent " of consciousness - that is his fragmentariness representing constant change of images. The purpose of given clause is the formulating of mechanisms, which allow to generate complete structures of thinking. In the greater degree these mechanisms are connected to the phenomenon перцепции. The perceptive the stage of development of mentality is characterized by an opportunity of display of subjects, as whole, and also, duration of preservation of images of memory. A Gestalt-direction, which originally arose, as the reaction on associanism, subsequently has put before itself the research problem perceptive of opportunities of the man, proceeding from the definition Gestalt as the descriptions of the complete forms (structures, configurations). To answer a question on a reality perceptive of images, it is necessary at first to note, that in the knowledge the learning subject works and with direct perceptive images, and with ideas connected, as a consequence, with these images. The conceptual Gestalt-images carrying internal character, also change in time, depending on changing of a perceptive image. In a basis of Gestalt-images originally perceptive lays, and under the statement of a number of the authors, the action underlits of perceptive mechanisms processing real object, does not give us a final opportunity for adequate perception of the object - original. On the one hand Gestalt takes into account in the construction a number of the mentioned laws, and on the hand - Gestalt, as the integrity which is not being set, can derivate in the view of perceptive of a disorientation new structures. It once again confirms presence of perceptive and conceptual circuits of the description Gestalt. The perceptive circuit Gestalt is connected to the conceptual circuit Gestalt. That is the perceptive mechanisms which underlip constructions Gestalt, are not final mechanisms of its construction. Conceptual Gestalt is formed at direct interaction of the perceptive - touch information with the structure which work at recognition of subjects, having cognitive character. The perceptive circuit Gestalt, based on mechanisms forming complete structures, is not yet final formation. It is connected that after a perceptive image - Gestalt. Follows based on Gestalt conceptual it a confirming, in its turn, a new perceptive Gestalt.



Author Biography

Т. Б. Колычева, Украинская государственная академия железнодорожного транспорта
к.филос.наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Колычева, Т. Б. (1). Gestalt as a solution of the problem of perception. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 109-113. Retrieved from