How the ustasha regime exploited prejudices and stereotypes about jews in creating the myth about enemy

  • Darko Gavrilovic University of Novi Sad


In examining the role of political myths in the Independent state of Croatia (NDH) propaganda, I will explore one political myth that aroused from pre-existing images and stereotypes about Jews in Croat lands that lie at the heart of NDH propaganda: The Myth about the Enemy. That myth was instrumental in providing “moral” justification for genocide and military violence against Jews throughout NDH history and is important for understanding how propaganda was successful in the recruitment of soldiers in the Ustasha movement, as well as for understanding war and genocidal rhetoric. I will discuss how official-level rhetoric has tailored that myth in order to provide significance for political circumstances and legitimize mass violence against Jews.


Author Biography

Darko Gavrilovic, University of Novi Sad
PhD., рrofessor


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How to Cite
Gavrilovic, D. (1). How the ustasha regime exploited prejudices and stereotypes about jews in creating the myth about enemy. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 78-84. Retrieved from