The category of irony: Nietzshe’s philosophical analysis

  • С. М. Гейко НУБіП України (Київ);
  • Н М Дєвочкіна Національний технічний університет (Запоріжжя)
Keywords: irony, non classical characteristic of irony, existential, logocentrism, nihilism, pessimism, voluntarism.


The article is devoted to philosophical research of irony category, which is proposed to review as cultural context figure, representing the substitution of existing sense by hidden one, and fixing the interruption of common perception or communication and intention to sense creation renewal. The transformation of sense in different cultural paradigms allows revealing of such fundamental features of ironical discourse as reflectivity, contrariety, axiologity. The strict definition of culturological and aesthetical terms, close to irony, their specific and interrelation, revels the content of this cultural universal term. The holistic historical and cultural understanding of irony, as human conscience position and human being existential, which indicates to possibility of its’ further establishment, is proposed into article. The cultural transformations of irony term reveal the genesis of its’ philosophical content. The classical metaphysics understood irony as methodological strategy of knowledge acquiring, but modern modality philosophy underlines its’ human measured content. In critique of the absurdity of traditional values systems nihilistic philosopher guided by the desire to destroy it as outdated and build another, which, in his opinion, is more consistent with real life. Nietzshe’s nihilistic irony is an example of extreme disappointment and subjective sustainable metaphysical systems. Non classical interpretation of ironical discourse denies the overpower of logocentrism and rehabilitates the direct human feelings sphere.



Author Biographies

С. М. Гейко, НУБіП України (Київ);
канд. філос. наук, доце
Н М Дєвочкіна, Національний технічний університет (Запоріжжя)
канд. філос. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Гейко, С. М., & Дєвочкіна, Н. М. (1). The category of irony: Nietzshe’s philosophical analysis. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 56-60. Retrieved from