The problem of belief and unbelief: national and historical aspects

  • Н. В. Вандышева-Ребро НТУ «ХПИ» (Харьков)
Keywords: archaic, ethno-national culture of life, monotheism, Judaism, Christian anthropology, impartiality, salvation, freedom.


Our study specifics of Ukrainian community and the formation of ethno-national culture of life. A significant place in this process takes a religious component and the idea of God. Human existence is reduced, in fact, to the constant struggle between two principles: the spiritual and material, eternal and ephemeral. Each community is going through some crucial moments associated with the transition to the realization of new values. In the case of the Ukrainian society, the author observes a situation where the Christian experience was acceptable for individuals or a single period, but at the level of public consciousness did not catch on. Thus, the Ukrainian community in general at the present stage and have not passed from the archaic to Christian thinking, hence the problem of corruption and the inability to obtain higher-order freedom.



Author Biography

Н. В. Вандышева-Ребро, НТУ «ХПИ» (Харьков)
канд. филос. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Вандышева-Ребро, Н. В. (1). The problem of belief and unbelief: national and historical aspects. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 47-50. Retrieved from