• Anton Zheronkin PhD Student of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy named after Professor Y. B. Shad, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: history of emotions, emotional communities, paideia, spiritual practices, psychoanalysis, xenophobia


Interdisciplinary research in the field of the history of emotions is rapidly gaining popularity in the world, which is not surprising for the "risk society", especially against the background of epidemics and wars – irrational life factors begin to play a greater role. The relevance of the study of "emotional communities" of the past is due to the need to learn more about these irrational factors of history, as well as the internal hermeneutic need of history and philosophy to better understand the hidden layers of the meaning of societies of past centuries. However, in the Ukrainian scientific environment, there are almost no studies on the formation and development of the history of emotions. In the current study, the historiography of the study of envy by historians of emotions is considered. The article determined the connection between the development of the history of emotions in general and, separately, the history of envy. Three stages of the study of the mentioned problems were distinguished: the stage before the formation of the history of emotions, the stage of the first essays and the stage of the flowering of the history of envy, which is characterized by the use of a wide modern methodological toolkit of psychology and psychoanalysis, sociology and anthropology, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, etc. Considered concepts from works classic for the history of envy by P. Walcott, D. Constant, N. K. Rutter, K. Gill, E. M. Sanders, and many others. Researchers conclude that the essence of the emotion of envy remains monolithic, no matter which era we consider, but its nuances and associative connections vary greatly from era to era, as does the social meaning of this emotion. Considered meaning of the terms "transmutation" and "distortion" in the history of emotions proposed by E. M. Sanders. It was determined that most of the available studies on the history of envy were devoted to the emotional communities of Ancient Greece. Also reviewed are existing studies on the history of envy in the Middle Ages, early modern times, and the Byzantine Empire. It was determined that there are also studies of emotions related to the emotion of envy - among them jealousy, hatred and others. The results of the study will be useful for further research into the historical dimension of the phenomenon of envy, the methodology and historiography of the history of emotions, as well as the philosophy and sociology of emotions.



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How to Cite
Zheronkin, A. (2023). THE HISTORY OF JEALOUSY: HISTORIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (68), 43-54.