• Wang Dezhong Post-graduate student, Department of Philosophy, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: socialization, virtual world, social networks,


 Living conditions in an information society make their own adjustments to such a process characteristic of "real life" as socialization. Conditions for the emergence of "hybrid socialization" have formed in social networks. It differs from the process of socialization in ordinary conditions of human life and brings its own characteristics to this process and to socialization itself. If we talk about adolescents, their socialization is formed rather in the virtual world than in the real one. The influence of the virtual world can be defined as multifaceted, and the virtual world itself (internet space and social networks) creates conditions for implementation of various forms of socialization. Hybrid socialization brought many inevitable problems with it: the popularity of the internet weakens traditional socializing authorities; the release and dissemination of networked information is controlled by several developed countries; universal values ​​are being "revised". In the virtual world, the phenomenon of ressentiment has become a widespread phenomenon and is actively manifested in the form of envy, an outright desire to offend interlocutors, offend completely unfamiliar network users in the form of frequent manifestations of aggression, resentment, inappropriate behavior, etc. These processes undermine traditional morality and at the same time contribute to the formation of socialization in the online environment. Such mechanisms of socialization as imitation, trying on roles, etc., began to "break" and "deviate" from their classical standards. The network breaks boundary between ages: the younger generation begins to contact the adult world in new conditions and at new rates, becoming an "adult child" much earlier than their real age. Video information widely disseminated on the internet is full of such phenomena as “flaunting oneself”, constant human comparison with “internet stars”, “worship of money”, which seriously influenced traditional moral concepts and values ​​and threatened traditional human standards of life.



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How to Cite
Dezhong, W. (2021). PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION IN SOCIAL NETWORKS IN CHINA. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (63), 86-94.