This article interprets the Christian discourse of purity of heart in the context of the importance of care as a hermeneutic method. The key aspects of this discourse have been identified and studied in the doctrine of purity of heart in connection with the question of caring for the dignity of the individual as an image and likeness of God. The main functions of the heart as an essential factor in the constitution of the inner world of the individual and its intentional directions are identified and analyzed. The main focus of this study is on the Christian doctrine of purity of heart in the face of a situation of spiritual impurity that defiles the honor and dignity of the individual. It is proved that the opposition of purity / impurity is not limited to the ethical dimension, it contains in its content a metaphysical discourse, which indicates a sharp contradiction between the ideal of the integrity of the individual and its phenomenal manifestation in a state of splitting. The concern for the constitution of the ideal personality is traced through the actualization of spiritual acts of purification from attachment to worldly values (aspect of spiritual freedom), filling the inner world of the individual with divine values (aspect of axiological acquisition) and protecting the inner world from spiritual impurity (aspect of spiritual control).
The study of the Christian doctrine of purity of heart is made taking into account the understanding of its content and mechanisms of construction. Its basis is determined by an organic combination of theistic and personalist discourses. The complex picture of the interweaving of various discursive mechanisms is reconstructed and the role of metaphysical, ethical, aesthetic, ascetic approaches in the conceptualization of the doctrine of purity of heart is analyzed. Concern for the purity of the heart is assessed as an essential condition and means of personalization, which affirms the values of spiritual freedom (from the state of impurity of the inner world of man) and transcendence as the elevation of personality in the direction of divine-spiritual orientation.
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