Socio-cultural causality method in the development of the culturology as a science

Keywords: culture, culturalogy, methodology, science, socio-cultural causality


In the article has been proposed a method of socio-cultural causality, which has been specified a cultural acces (in the broadest sense of the priority of culture for all spheres of human life and society) in culturology.despite the recognition of academic status and the claim to methodological expansion, the culturology has not yet completed the process of developing its own methodology, which leaves the newly acquired «scientific» in a state of openness for discussion. The systemic study of the phenomenon of culture allows the culturology to formulate its own acces to its study, which can be regarded as a universal scientific method. The method of socio-cultural causality has been marked as a part of the culturological acces.

The method of socio-cultural causality — the establishment of cause-effect relationship between the object under study and the cultural system (the hierarchy of systems) in which it is located. It has been definited two conditions of using of the new method. 1. It does not require recognition of the cultural consequences of the event, phenomenon, personal activity as a decisive feature. However, it should be borne in mind that the significance of such effects increases with the development of the human civilization. 2. Cultural effects of the studied events, phenomena and personalities should be ranked in time-space perspective of different lengths and lengths. It has been noted that socio-cultural causality method can give  a scientific result in the study of culture itself. The method of socio-cultural causality opens the inductive way of compiling the consequences of individual phenomena in various spheres into global cultural trends. It has beens shown that the expansion of the method of socio- cultural causality contributes to the consolidation of a special epistemological status in the culturology — an integral science of culture.


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Author Biography

К. V. Kysliuk, Kharkiv National Academy of Culture

Doctor of cultural studies, PhD, professor of Cultural Studies Department


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How to Cite
KysliukК. V. (2019). Socio-cultural causality method in the development of the culturology as a science. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (59), 5-13.