territorial identity, territorial identity markers, urban place-names, local geographic specificity.
The technique of urban place-names use as a marker of territorial identity is proposed, in particular the approaches to identify the characteristic urban place-names at the national, macro-regional, regional and local levels within the territory of Ukraine. The specificity of urban place-name set development within the settlement is revealed. Regional differences in the structure of urban place-names of Ukrainian cities have been found and the connection of such differences with local geographical specificity has been displayed. The spatial clusters of Ukrainian cities are distinguished regarding the structure of characteristics urban place-names. The main parameters of such clusters are shown.
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How to Cite
Гнатюк, О. (2015). URBAN PLACE-NAMES OF UKRAINIAN CITIES AS A TERRITORIAL IDENTITY MARKER. Human Geography Journal, 15(2), 144-147. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2013-15-26
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