Localized urbogeosystemic analsis through lidar data for formalized urban population estimation

Keywords: urban population distribution assessment, localized urban geosystem analysis, lidar data, cloud GIS platform, three-dimensional scene, urbanized environment


Our paper makes focus on the further research of the urban geosystem approach potential in the domain of social-geographical research through the combined application of GIS tools and the results of urban remote sensing (URS). The challenges of urban studies demand innovative methods for estimating population, which can be based on the building geometry and the architectural morphology of the city reconstructed on the URS base.

Proceeding from this, the aim of the paper is to represent localized urban geosystem analysis (LUGA), which is implemented on the largest geospatial scale of the given UGS. LUGA includes the use of area-metric (AMM) and volume-metric methods (VMM) for calculating the population in urban buildings and, thus, in a certain parcel of urbanized geospace. The latter can be considered the smallest structural unit of the detailed-grid representation of the digital urbanized environment (UE).

This study corresponds to one of the main postulates of urban geosystem analysis, according to which the formalization of UGS attributive characteristics occurs in various geolocations of the UE. The existing theoretical prerequisites of LUGA have been considered. Based on previous research experience, a thesis description of three alternative methods for assessing urban population distribution based on the "RSóGIS" paradigm has been proposed. Regarding the M1 LUGA technique, which is a further development of "micro-spatial GIS analysis," and its two parametric methods (AMM and VMM), a detailed description of their operational sequence and formalized apparatus have been provided. A block diagram of the step-by-step implementation of both methods is presented with detailed explanations of each stage. An example of LUGA implementation concerning a user scenario for assessing the distribution of urban population in the Boston agglomeration (Massachusetts, USA) has been provided. Pictures of the Cloud GIS-platform sample interface have been presented.


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Author Biographies

Sergiy Kostrikov, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

DSc (Geography), Professor, Kostyantyn Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies

Denys Serohin, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

PhD Student, Kostyantyn Niemets Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies


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How to Cite
Kostrikov, S., & Serohin, D. (2024). Localized urbogeosystemic analsis through lidar data for formalized urban population estimation. Human Geography Journal, 36, 7-25. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2024-36-01