Satirical news as a way of social criticism in the Ukrainian information space

  • Н. Б. Калашник Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
  • О. С. Ланько Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: satire, news, satirical news, infotainment, Michael Shchur, social criticism, journalism ethics


This article examines the phenomenon of the satirical news. It offers a hypothesis about the dependence of the popularity of this format from the consumer’s socio-psychological state of information. The article analyzes the reasons for its relevance in the Ukrainian media, the benefits and risks of such information format. Special attention is given to the correctness of this method of presenting information through the journalistic ethics. The article examines the journalist Roman Vintoniv’s experience – the creator of the image of Michael Shchur, an anchorman of a number of TV projects in the genre of satirical news. The linguistic and stylistic means of expression of the text, the author’s principles of creating programs for correlation purposes of journalistic materials, the ways of its achievement are analyzed in the article. The conclusion is about the direction of the satirical news on the background of insufficient development of analytical journalism in Ukrainian media space


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How to Cite
Калашник, Н. Б., & Ланько, О. С. (2017). Satirical news as a way of social criticism in the Ukrainian information space. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (10), 21-25. Retrieved from