Factchecking in Ukraine: Current Problems of Format Implementation

Keywords: fact-checking, verification, manipulative potential, fact-checking of fact-checkers, regional fact-checking


The article characterizes problematic aspects of functioning of the fact-checking projects identified by scientists and media experts. Among the main issues are compliance with the fact-checking methodology, the introduction of automation of the fact-checking process and the danger of using the manipulative potential of the fact-checking associated with the relative impartiality of projects, concealment of sources of funding, facilitating the transformation of media events into events and appearance of fake fact-checking. Among the most significant we consider reputational risks associated with non-compliance with the main principles and methods of fact-checking, based on the use of the open sources while verifying information, and the lack of generally accepted methods of fact-checking, that is evidenced by analysis of various forms of fact checking. It was found that all analyzed projects use their own methodology to verify and expose lies and manipulations in public statements. This is evidenced by the different approaches to the selection of the verification objects, the use of fact check algorithms and verdicts. Cases of violation of the basic principles of fact-checking and sometimes even one’s own methodology have been recorded. As a result, there may arise questions about the independence, non-ideologization and impartiality of the fact-checking projects. It is determined that this could be prevented by the introduction of fact-checking of fact-checkers, i.e. checking how online verifiers are installed, what tools are used to verify facts in statements, whether the experts are impartial in their analysis.


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How to Cite
Ostrovska , N. (2021). Factchecking in Ukraine: Current Problems of Format Implementation. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (17). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/sc/article/view/17957