Typology of the roles of science popularizers in popular science TV-shows
The popularization of science takes place in various channels of mass communication, including television. The article analyzes the roles of popularizers of science in modern Ukrainian TV space. The concept «popularizers of science» was analyzed and two types of popularizers were discovered in the popular science TV-shows. Typology of the roles of the TV science presenters was researched and the new typology of the roles of popularizers of science in popular science TV-shows was discovered. Popular science TV-shows, which were broadcasted in Ukrainian TV space during 2016–2017, were previewed for creating this typology. It was determined what type of the behaviour of the TV presenter is relevant to the one of the roles; which roles correspond to the varying specificity of the popular science TV-shows; how TV presenters combine different types of roles in one programme and which model is more preferred: a combination of roles or a single role selection.
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