Cross-media as a new model of adress-specific configurations of participatory journalism
The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of cross-media journalism, which represents a special type of participatory journalism characterized by the integration of networks and the transition to individualization. Participatory journalism is the organic combinations of professional activities of journalists and amateurs. Changes in the media environment caused by the development of cross-media have also changed the classical forms of address-specific configurations. Cross-media represents a specific mode of communication, which provides permanent changes of the roles of the addresser and the addressee in the communicative process. The classical linear model of communication has evolved into an interactive model and later on towards cross-media to transactional model. The specifics of the interaction depend on the type of addressee, but the advantage of cross-media is the ability to cover users of all types. Cross-media uses the potential of new media in the process of production and comprehensive representation of information with the aim to win the various types of audience. Cross-media uses different platforms, the recipient can communicate with these platforms simultaneously or sequentially.
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