The optical and mechanical properties of TbSb

  • З. Джабуа Грузинский технический университет, Департамент физики, Тбилиси
  • Н. Туркадзе Грузинский технический университет, Департамент физики, Тбилиси
  • А. Гигинеишвили Грузинский технический университет, Департамент физики, Тбилиси
Keywords: film, refraction, absorption, dielectrical permittivity, lost-punction, complete attrition durability


A processes has been developed for growth of thin crystalline thin films TbSb by thermal evaporation using Tb and Sb separate sources and by discrate thermal evaporation of preliminary synthesized volume material TbSb. The room-temperature optical spectra reflectivity and absorption have been studied at photon energy 0.08–5 eV. Power dependences of the real and imaginary part of dielectrical permittivity, lost punction are calculated. By the method of the complete attrition mechanical strength of prepared films is defined. It is shown that mechanical strength of the films prepared by method of discrete evaporation is higher than durability of the films prepared by the evaporation method from two independent sources.




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Author Biographies

З. Джабуа, Грузинский технический университет, Департамент физики, Тбилиси
Н. Туркадзе, Грузинский технический университет, Департамент физики, Тбилиси
А. Гигинеишвили, Грузинский технический университет, Департамент физики, Тбилиси


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How to Cite
Джабуа, З., Туркадзе, Н., & Гигинеишвили, А. (2017). The optical and mechanical properties of TbSb. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 2(2-3), 99 - 104. Retrieved from