The photog alvanic effect within spin resonanse in quantizing magnetic field

  • N. N. Chernyshov The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
  • N. I. Slipchenko The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
  • A. M. Tsymbal The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
  • K. T. Umyarov The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
  • V. L. Lukianenko The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
Keywords: photogalvanic effect, optic transitions, magnetic field, inversion center, polarization, relativistic contributions, Hamiltonian function, resonance


The paper theoretically investigates the photogalvanic effect in optic transitions between spin subzones of Landau levels within ultraquantum limit. Ageometry is considered when polarization is perpendicular and the electric current is directed along the magnetic field. The effect is caused by cubic terms in the Hamiltonian function, which exist due to the absence of an inversion center. The considered magnetic field relation is of resonance character, the said relation having both odd and even field contributions. Such an effect character is related to the resonance in the intermediate state and interference of second order transition amplitudes in relativistic contributions in the Hamiltonian function.




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Author Biographies

N. N. Chernyshov, The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
N. I. Slipchenko, The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
A. M. Tsymbal, The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
K. T. Umyarov, The Kharkov national university of radio electronics
V. L. Lukianenko, The Kharkov national university of radio electronics


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How to Cite
Chernyshov, N. N., Slipchenko, N. I., Tsymbal, A. M., Umyarov, K. T., & Lukianenko, V. L. (2017). The photog alvanic effect within spin resonanse in quantizing magnetic field. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(4), 427 - 430. Retrieved from