Influence of distribution of scattering in collision cascades of recoil atoms on pattern formation of amorphous si surface under irradiation of Ar ion with energy 1 keV

  • А. А. Губарев Донецкий национальный университет
Keywords: simulation, binary collision approximation, surface pattern, ion beam sputtering


The distribution of scatterings in collision cascades of recoil atoms under 1 keV Ar ion bombardment has been investigated by simulation in binary collision approximation. The strong dependency of mean cosine of angle between recoil atom direction and primary ion one has been found. The numerical calculation in the approximation of large incidence angle has revealed the main feature in distribution of scatterings which is responsible for absence of pattern formation at the dynamic simulation without the account of transfer of atoms under the surface of target.




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А. А. Губарев, Донецкий национальный университет


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How to Cite
Губарев, А. А. (2017). Influence of distribution of scattering in collision cascades of recoil atoms on pattern formation of amorphous si surface under irradiation of Ar ion with energy 1 keV. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(1), 46 - 62. Retrieved from