Synthesis of diamond in microwave plasma: equipment, films, application

  • Ю. Я. Волков Национальный Научный Центр “Харьковский Физико-технический институт”
  • В. Е. Стрельницкий Национальный Научный Центр “Харьковский Физико-технический институт”
  • В. А. Ушаков Национальный Научный Центр “Харьковский Физико-технический институт”
Keywords: diamond, films, CVD synthesis, monocrystalline, polycrystalline


In this paper we present a brief review of advancement in the diamond synthesis by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MW CVD) methods. The most prevalent MW CVD devices for diamond synthesis are described, as well as some of the computational modeling methods of a new devices and interaction between MW fields and plasmas during deposition processes are discussed. One can find here a description of some methods of a single-crystal homoepitaxial diamond growth on the diamond substrates and several examples of a heteroepitaxial MW CVD deposition of a polycrystalline diamond films on a non-diamond substrates. We also examined a number of works dealing with a deposition of highly oriented polycrystalline diamond films (HOD) which shows characteristics close to single-crystal diamond. And in the end we gave a number of examples of the grown diamond films applications in industry and electronics.



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Author Biographies

Ю. Я. Волков, Национальный Научный Центр “Харьковский Физико-технический институт”
В. Е. Стрельницкий, Национальный Научный Центр “Харьковский Физико-технический институт”
В. А. Ушаков, Национальный Научный Центр “Харьковский Физико-технический институт”


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How to Cite
Волков, Ю. Я., Стрельницкий, В. Е., & Ушаков, В. А. (2017). Synthesis of diamond in microwave plasma: equipment, films, application. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(1), 26 - 45. Retrieved from

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