Research of a vacuum diffusion boron silicification process for constructional materials

  • V. I. Zmij National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”
  • S. G. Rudenkiy National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”
Keywords: boron silicification, diffusion saturation, activator, vacuum, graphite


In this work process of vacuum diffusion boron silicification of materials in sodium chloride vapour were researched. Gaseous medium composition was found by using the thermodynamic calculations of chemical reactions between NaCl vapour and the components of saturating powder mixture in the process for the temperature T = 1400 − 1600 K and pressure P = 1.33 − 1333 Pa, when the content of boron is 1 weight percent and 10 weight percent in backfilling. Formation mechanism of diffusion layer оn example of the vacuum activated boron silicification of graphite was determined.





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Author Biographies

V. I. Zmij, National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”
S. G. Rudenkiy, National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”


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How to Cite
Zmij, V. I., & Rudenkiy, S. G. (2017). Research of a vacuum diffusion boron silicification process for constructional materials. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(1), 18 - 21. Retrieved from