Tensoresistive effect in the system potential barriers in semiconductor films

  • Г. Гулямов Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт
  • A. Г. Гулямов Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт
  • Г. Н. Мажидова Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт
Keywords: tensosensitive, transparency of potential barrier, semiconductor tensosensitive thin films


In the work proposed  model of  the tensosensitive  semiconductor film according to which, the film is considered as system of potential barriers. It is considered  tensosensitive systems of potential barriers. It is shown   that the model according to which at deformation varies only width of a potential barrier can explain is abnormal great values of factor tensosensitive thin film Bi2Te3 and Sb2 Te3, receptions by a vacuum dusting.




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Author Biographies

Г. Гулямов, Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт
A. Г. Гулямов, Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт
Г. Н. Мажидова, Наманганский инженерно-педагогический институт


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How to Cite
Гулямов, Г., ГулямовA. Г., & Мажидова, Г. Н. (2017). Tensoresistive effect in the system potential barriers in semiconductor films. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(2), 243 - 245. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pse/article/view/8780