The temperature dependence of the band gap of Si and Ge by the model

  • Н. Ю. Шарибаев Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт
Keywords: band gap at low temperatures, the density of states of the model, the temperature dependence of the energy spectrum


The model decomposition of the density of states in a series of GN(Ei, Et, T)-derivative functions of discrete states of the ionization energy The temperature dependence of the band gap of Si and Ge. Numerical results indicate that the band gap of Si and Ge in the ideal case, if the band gap energy levels available at low temperatures greater than the experimental results: Si – 0.018 eV, Ge– 0.008 еV.




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Author Biography

Н. Ю. Шарибаев, Наманганский инженерно-технологический институт


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How to Cite
Шарибаев, Н. Ю. (2017). The temperature dependence of the band gap of Si and Ge by the model. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(2), 228 - 230. Retrieved from