Research of electric and photo-electric properties In-CdSxTe1-x-Si-In structures

  • И. Б. Сапаев Физико-технический институт
Keywords: solid solution, film, spectrum, photosensitivity


It is made heterojunction n/Si-n/CdSxTe1-x by a method of a vacuum dusting of a film of firm solution CdSxTe1-x on a surface monocrystalline n/Si. The basic electric and photo-electric properties of heterojunction are investigated. Values of a constant crystal lattice of firm solution CdSxTe1-x on heterostructure border n/Si-n/ CdSxTe1-x are defined.



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Author Biography

И. Б. Сапаев, Физико-технический институт


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How to Cite
Сапаев, И. Б. (2017). Research of electric and photo-electric properties In-CdSxTe1-x-Si-In structures. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(2), 223 - 227. Retrieved from