Thin film CdTe-structures with barrier Schottky
At first for registration of nuclear radiation film CdTe-detector structures with Schottky barrier were created. The structures are made on the basis of large block-p-CdTe films with resistivity ρ ∼107 Om⋅cm. Crystallites of the films are orthogonal to plane of Mo-substrate on which they are formed. The capacitance-voltage, current-voltage characteristics and an energy resolution of the structures were measured and transport mechanisms of current carriers were defined for different values of bias voltage. The structures registried α-particles with energy 5.482 MeV from source Am241. Energy resolution R of the structures was 22 ÷ 29 keV at T = 293 K. It is established that improving of the characteristics of the detector structures associated with removal processes of an electron injection in region of back Mo-contact. It was found that source of the electron injection аt high bias voltages are Mo-contact and oxide MoO3 between the film and the molybdenum contact.
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