The influence of defects and impurity atoms on the physical and mechanical properties of nanostructured coatings in the boundary region separating them
Using unique methods: positron annihilation, proton microbeam, Rutherford backscattering (RBS) of ions, microprobe using EDSX with SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray strain measurement (α-sin2ψ), tests of nanohardness, elastic modulus, index plasticity and scratch tests were investigated nanostructured coatings Ti-Si-N; Ti-Hf-Si-N; (Ti-Hf-Zr-V-Nb)N, grown by cathodic vacuum arc source. Defects’ profiles were obtained at all depth of coating, and effect of thermal annealing at 600 °C (30 min) on the change of the defect structure, elastic-directed state, the phase composition and the redistribution of impurity atoms as a result of thermal diffusion and segregation processes boundaries and sub-boundaries of nanograins were studied. An increase of hardness after annealing, decreasing of the elastic-strain state, the redistribution of impurity atoms and defects were observed.
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