Principles of physical image decoding in scanning microwave microscopy
In the paper, the methods of constructing images in SMM are numerically studied, providing visualization of profiles of the distribution of physical parameters of an object in the near-surface region. It is shown that the image of the fundamental signals of the change in the resonant frequency and Q of the resonator scanning probe does not always correspond to the profile of the indicated parameters. To ensure such correspondence, it is proposed to reconstruct the image of these signals on the basis of an analytical approximation of the corresponding conversion characteristics of the probe and formation of the optimal signal packet. In particular, to ensure an imaging of the electrical conductivity profile σ(x, y), a combined signal of the form ΔQ-1/Δf (x, y) should be used. For two-parameter diagnostics of the profile ε (x, y) and the surface profile ΔhZ(x, y), it is advisable to use two signals Δf1(x, y) and Δf2(x, y) for various fixed values of the gap hZ1 and hZ2 and analytical approximations of the corresponding conversion characteristics. The results of the study are illustrated by demonstrating the profile of the common signal and the reconstructed profile of physical quantities.
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