The temperature dependence of the density of surface states, determined using unsteady capacitive spectroscopy
The Analyses kinetics of the process recharge surface conditions, borders of the section semiconductorinsulator, is shown that experimental utter spectrum to density of the surface conditions (DSS), under low temperature changes in discrete energy spectrum. Such warm-up dependency is conditioned that that derivative on energy from probability of the havoc of the surface conditions, under low temperature changes in delta-function Dirak. It is offered mathematical model describing DSS determined on нестационарной спектроскопии deep level. It Is Shown that numerical experiment, with use of experimental importance’s utter DSS, enables to calculate the discrete spectrum DSS. The Offered methods of the determination низкотемпературной DSS enlarges the allowing ability an transient spectroscopy of the surface stats and relaxation methods of the measurement of the energy spectrum to density of the conditions.
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